For more information on how to form an LLC in any state, see the article How to Form an LLC.
Learn about Pennsylvania LLC formation, including information on Registered Agents, naming rules, business licenses, and more.
Get the easiest and fastest Pennsylvania LLC formation online with worry-free services and support.
Are you looking to create an LLC in Pennsylvania? You came to the right place!
Our services go beyond just creating your Pennsylvania LLC. We will handle everything from writing your business plan to creating your LLC, licensing, branding, website, and marketing.
A limited liability company (LLC) offers many benefits to small businesses, including liability protection and tax advantages.
An Limited Liability Company LLC must be formed in Pennsylvania by filing a Certificate of Organization with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State and paying the $125 filing fee.
However, you’ll first need to choose a name and registered agent for your Pennsylvania LLC. Approval of mail filings for Pennsylvania LLCs takes 5-6 weeks. This includes the 4 week processing time as well as the time it takes for your documents to arrive in the mail. Approval of online filings for Pennsylvania LLCs takes 4 weeks in total.
An LLC can be easily formed in Pennsylvania. Simply follow these seven steps, and you’re done. Find out more about LLCs and their benefits in our What is an LLC guide.
Creating an LLC in Pennsylvania requires you to choose a business name before you can file a Certificate of Organization. Be sure that your business name complies with the Pennsylvania naming requirements and can be searched by potential customers.
See a complete list of Pennsylvania’ naming rules here.
Check URL availability: You are likely to need a web page even if you don’t think you do. Buying your domain name now will at least give you the option of having one in the future. It’s a good idea to check the URL availability before finalizing your Pennsylvania LLC name.
A DBA name is used for a variety of reasons by sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs, and corporations. Everyone files the same application for the registration of a fictitious name with the Pennsylvania Department of State, regardless which type of business you operate.
By filing a Name Reservation (Form DSCB:15-208) with the Pennsylvania Department of State, you can reserve a name for 120 days. The cost of filing is $70. The form can be submitted online or by mail.
An LLC stands for a Limited Liability Company. A simple business structure that is more flexible and offers many of the same benefits as a traditional corporation. For more information, see “What is a Limited Liability Company?”.
LLCs do not usually require a DBA. Your LLC’s name can serve as your company’s brand name, and you can accept checks and other payment methods under that name. You may however choose to register a DBA if you wish to conduct business under a different name.
Your next step in forming an LLC in Pennsylvania is to appoint a Registered Agent, an individual or company authorized to receive legal and state mail on your behalf.
All Pennsylvania LLCs must have a registered agent. Please include your registered agent’s name and address on your Certificate of Formation.
To comply with Pennsylvania law, your LLC’s registered agent must be a resident or business entity that maintains a physical address in Pennsylvania. The “registered address” cannot be a P.O. box. It must be a real physical address that can be visited in person.
Further, in Pennsylvania, your registered agent need to be agree to perform this role and sign a form confirming their consent. Consent statements should include the following:
Although you do not have to submit this form to the Secretary of State, your business must record it. Learn more about Pennsylvania Registered Agents by reading our full guide.
Yes, any owner or employee of a company can serve as its registered agent in Pennsylvania if they are over the age of 18 and have a Pennsylvania street address. You could also elect a member of your LLC, or even a trusted friend, as long as they meet these requirements as well.
Yes, You can change your registered agent in Pennsylvania by submitting a Change of Registered Office Form to the Department of State
Wise Business Plans offers a free year of registered agent service when forming an LLC in Pennsylvania.
To create a Pennsylvania LLC, you will need to file Certificate of Organization (Form DSCB:15-8821) with the Department of States. You may apply online, by mail, or in person.
There is a $125 filing fee. You must send the original and a copy of your certificate if you file by mail.
You will receive a duplicate form back from the state once it receives your documents.
It may take up to 5-6 weeks to process a mailed submission.
If you choose one of our business formation services, we can handle this step for you.
The following information is typically required to create a Certificate of Organization:
Foreign LLCs: You must file a Pennsylvania Application for Registration with the Pennsylvania Department of State, Corporation Bureau, to register a foreign LLC in Pennsylvania. This document can be mailed, delivered in person, or submitted online.
The cost of submitting an Application for Registration is $250.
The 1st option is:
Online filing through the Pennsylvania Department of State
The 2nd option is:
Filing the Certificate of Organization by Mail
There is a state filing fee of $125 payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Nonrefundable)
Address to Mail:
Pennsylvania Department of State
Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations
P.O. Box 8722
Harrisburg, PA 17105
In a member-managed LLC, the members (owners) take on the business’s daily responsibilities. Manager-managed LLCs are managed by managers who are elected by the members. Those who manage your LLC will have the authority to do a wide range of tasks-from hiring staff to opening bank accounts.
A domestic LLC is a company that is registered as an LLC in Pennsylvania. A foreign LLC is a type of entity that has a physical presence in another state.
Approval of mail filings for Pennsylvania LLCs takes 5-6 weeks. This includes the 4 week processing time as well as the time it takes for your documents to arrive in the mail. Approval of online filings for Pennsylvania LLCs takes 4 weeks in total.
Upon filing your Certificate of Organization, the secretary of state will review it. As soon as the Certificate of Organization is approved, the LLC becomes a legal entity.
By obtaining this certificate, LLCs will be able to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN), licenses, and business accounts.
An operating agreement is a legally-binding document that sets out how your LLC will operate, from the voting process to mergers.
Operating agreements are not required in Pennsylvania, but they are an essential part of your business.
Written operating agreements are helpful for different reasons, including resolving disputes over financial agreements and other potential litigation.
The LLC declaration can prove that your LLC is a separate entity, which can help preserve your limited liability.
An operating agreement ensures that all business owners are on the same page and reduces the possibility of future conflict.
The operating agreement should detail the LLC’s overall business purpose and other important matters, such as how the company will be taxed and how new members will be accepted. Legal agreements can clarify several important concerns, such as:
In Pennsylvania, you can include just about anything in your operating agreement, as long as it doesn’t violate the state law or the Certificate of Organization.
An operating agreement is not required in Pennsylvania for an SMLLC. Even if there is only one member in an SMLLC, an operating agreement is highly recommended. The state does not require the filing of an SMLLC operating agreement.
Operating agreements are not required in Pennsylvania for LLCs, but they are highly recommended.
Basically, an employer identification number (EIN) is a social security number for your LLC in Pennsylvania.
To identify your LLC for tax purposes, the Internal Revenue Service assigns a nine-digit Employer Identification Number (EIN). You can apply for your EIN either by mail or online.
An EIN is used for the following purposes:
Getting an EIN number is easy and free, There are two ways to get an EIN number in Pennsylvania.
The 1st option is:
Apply online for an EIN from the IRS
The 2nd option is:
Get an EIN by Mail or Fax
Mail to:
Internal Revenue Service
Attn: EIN Operation
Cincinnati, OH 45999
If your LLC has more than one member, employees, or is filing as a corporation, you’ll need an employer identification number (EIN) when filing taxes.
A tax classification will be discussed with you when you obtain an EIN. In most cases, LLCs choose the default status.
Some LLCs can reduce their federal tax obligation by electing S corporation status. Consult with a local accountant to find out which option is best for you.
When converting a sole proprietorship to an LLC, the IRS requires that a new EIN be obtained.
You may obtain an EIN for free from the IRS. Getting an EIN is a simple procedure that may be completed online or by mail.
The Department of State requires only foreign LLCs and Pennsylvania LLCs engaged in certain restricted professional services to file a Certificate of Annual Registration (Form DSCB:15-8221/8998).
By April 15th of each year, these must be filed with the Pennsylvania Department of State Corporation Bureau.
The registration may be filed online or by postal mail. The LLC must pay an annual fee of $560 multiplied by the number of members.
Get the easiest and fastest Pennsylvania LLC formation online with Wise business Plans.
Your personal assets (such as your home, car, and other valuables) may be at risk when your Pennsylvania LLC is sued if they are mixed with your business accounts.
Here are some steps you can take to protect your LLC in Pennsylvania:
If you have decided that a Pennsylvania LLC will be a good choice for your business in Pennsylvania, your next step is to create a business plan (although it is not required), so that you have a roadmap for what you will do and how you will accomplish it.
Do you need help creating a business plan? Check out these six free, proven business plan examples from different industries to help you write your own.
As soon as your LLC is officially formed, you should open a business bank account. Why? Keeping separate bank accounts will help you maintain the legal distinction between the LLC and you (the owner).
Because LLCs are limited liability companies, creditors and litigants can’t take your assets.
It is essential for small business owners to partner with the right bank. Find out which banks offer the best business checking accounts, have low or no fees, ATM accessibility, and interest-earning accounts as well as online or mobile banking tools.
Recommended: Check out our business bank account page to learn which banks offer the best business check accounts, ATM access, interest-bearing accounts, and online and mobile banking options for businesses.
You can manage risks and grow your LLC with business insurance. Here are the most common types:
Let us help you with your business insurance needs.
A website is an important step in legitimizing your business. It is essential for all businesses. You are missing out on a large percentage of potential customers and revenue if you don’t have a website, even if your business is too small or in an offline industry.
More than 90% of consumers begin their search for products and services online. If you don’t have a website that is ready to welcome your customers, then they will simply find your competitors.
Here are the main reasons why you shouldn’t delay building your website:
Recommended: If you want to enhance your conversion rates and maximize revenue in order to help expand your business and meet objectives, you should always hire a professional business website design company to build your business website.
Wise Business Plans is a leading web design company, We have created over 2000 + websites across 20 countries for our clients but we are physically based in 7 major cities in the United States including Alabama web design, Pennsylvania, Las Vegas, Colorado Springs, Iowa, Michigan and San Diego.
The cost of forming an LLC in Pennsylvania is $125. This is the filing fee for the Pennsylvania Department of State to register your LLC documents.
Personal assets are protected because owners are not personally liable for business debts or obligations. LLCs also provide members with greater tax flexibility by allowing them to choose between pass-through and corporation taxation.
Approval of mail filings for Pennsylvania LLCs takes 5-6 weeks. This includes the 4 week processing time as well as the time it takes for your documents to arrive in the mail. Approval of online filings for Pennsylvania LLCs takes 4 weeks in total.
Simply follow these three steps to dissolve an LLC in Pennsylvania: Keep the Operating Agreement in mind. Close all of your company’s tax accounts.
Step 1: Follow Your Pennsylvania LLC Operating Agreement.
Step 2: Close Your Business Tax Accounts.
Step 3: File Articles of Dissolution.
To amend your limited liability company in Pennsylvania, send the Department of State Corporation Bureau the completed Certificate of Amendment-Domestic Limited Liability Company (DSCB: 15-8512/8951) form by mail, in person, or online.