Best Free Excel Alternatives: Boost your productivity

10 Best Free Excel Alternatives: Boost your productivity

Upgrade your spreadsheets for FREE! Unlock 10 powerful Excel alternatives with unique features and boost your productivity today!

Key Highlights

  • Spreadsheets Made Easy! 10 FREE excel alternatives with features like real-time collaboration, AI insights, and stunning visuals. Find your perfect match!
  • From Google Sheets’ teamwork to Zoho’s automation magic, each tool caters to unique needs. Consider ease of use, collaboration, and desired features to pick your winner.
  • No more software struggle! This guide empowers you to choose the ideal FREE spreadsheet alternative and boost your productivity without breaking the bank.

Top 10 Free Excel Alternatives

Google Sheet
LibreOffice Calc
Zoho Sheet
OnlyOffice Spreadsheet
FreeOffice PlanMaker
WPS Office Spreadsheets
Numbers (Apple)

Why Seek Excel Alternatives?


Not everyone can invest in premium software. Exploring free excel alternatives offers significant savings without compromising functionality.

Feature Diversity

Excel is robust, but sometimes, users seek specific functionalities or interfaces that align better with their workflows.

Criteria for Evaluating Excel Alternatives

User Interface

Ease of use matters. A friendly interface can enhance productivity and streamline tasks.


From formulas to data visualization, evaluating the range of features each free alternative to excel offers is crucial.

Collaboration Potential

In today’s collaborative landscape, tools that enable seamless teamwork are highly sought after.

Comparison Table: Top 10 Free Excel Alternatives

SoftwareBest forOnline CollaborationSupported File FormatsOffline EditingExport to PDFStandout Feature
Google SheetsOffline editing and collaborationYes.xlsx, .xls, .xlsm, .xlt, .xltx, .xltxm, .ods, .csv, .tsvYesYesReal-time collaboration, cloud-based accessibility
LibreOffice CalcFeaturesNo.xls, .xlsxUsers can download and installYesScenario manager, .pdf export, multi-platform compatibility
Zoho SheetAutomationYes.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .tsv, .csv, .ods, .sxcNoYesAI-powered insights, multilingual support, data cleaning
OnlyOffice SpreadsheetTeam collaborationYes.xlsx, .xls, .odt, .ods, .docx, .doc, .pptx, .ppt, .csv, .html, .txtYesYesCollaborative editing, integration focus, teamwork emphasis
AirtableVisual organizationYes.csv, .xlsx, .xls, .txt, .json, .html, .pdfYesYesVisually appealing interface, customizable templates
FreeOffice PlanMakerExcel compatibilityNo.xlsx, .xls, .xlsm, .xlsb, .csv, .htm, .html, .txtYesYesSmooth transition from Excel, user-friendly interface
WPS Office SpreadsheetsEase of useYes.lsm, .xltm, .xlsb, .ets, .et, .ett, .xls, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltx, .csvYesYesData analysis and visualization, multi-format compatibility
EtherCalcCollaborationYes.xlsx, .xls, .ods, .sxc, .csv, .txtYesYesReal-time collaboration, simplicity in interface
QuipCollaborative approachYes.xlsx, .xls, .csv, .pdfYesYesEmphasis on collaboration, unique approach, teamwork facilitation
Numbers (Apple)Apple ecosystem integrationYes.numbersYesYesSeamless integration within Apple ecosystem, macOS/iOS compatibility

Google Sheets: Empowering Offline Editing and Collaboration

Google Sheets shines with its cloud-based accessibility, allowing users to work offline and collaborate effortlessly. While lacking some advanced Excel features, its real-time collaboration and ease of use make it a strong contender.

Key Features

  • Offline editing capability.
  • Support for various file formats.
  • Data analysis and visualization tools.
  • Seamless sharing and collaboration.


  • Diverse file format export options.
  • Customizability.
  • Automation via scripting.
  • Real-time collaboration.


  • Lag with large datasets.
  • Tracking edits can be challenging.

LibreOffice Calc: Features Galore

Similar to OpenOffice, LibreOffice Calc boasts a multitude of features, surpassing Excel in certain functionalities. However, its limitations include the lack of online collaboration and advanced charting options.

Key Features

  • Scenario manager for analysis.
  • Export to .pdf.
  • Desktop apps for multiple platforms.


  • Open-source availability.
  • Feature-rich functionality.
  • Compatibility with various file formats.


  • Limited macro recording.
  • Lack of advanced chart displays.
    No real-time collaboration.

Zoho Sheet: Revolutionizing Automation

Zoho Sheet focuses on automation, aiding teams in faster and efficient work. Offering AI-powered insights and collaboration, it’s a valuable tool for streamlining tasks and facilitating data visualization.

Key Features

  • Multilingual support.
    Broad range of
  • predefined functions.
  • Export options for .html and .pdf.
  • AI-driven insights.


  • User-friendly.
  • AI-powered data insights.
  • Data cleaning capabilities.
  • Integration with other Zoho apps.


  • Limited data analysis and modeling.
  • Absence of offline support.
  • Takes a long time to load spreadsheets.

OnlyOffice Spreadsheet: Enhancing Team Collaboration

With a focus on teamwork, OnlyOffice’s spreadsheet tool offers collaborative editing and multiple integrations, ensuring seamless cooperation for effective project management.

Key Features

  • Collaborative editing.
  • Multiple integrations.
  • Focus on teamwork.


  • Seamless cooperation.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Integration capabilities.


  • Potential learning curve.
  • Some features might require adaptation.

Airtable: Visual Appeal and Functionality

Airtable stands out with its visually appealing interface and database-like functionalities, ideal for various tasks and providing an engaging platform for users.

Key Features

  • Visually appealing interface.
  • Database-like functionalities.
  • Customizable templates.


  • Engaging platform.
    Intuitive design.
  • Versatility in task handling.


  • Complexity for beginners.
  • Advanced features might overwhelm.

FreeOffice PlanMaker: User-Friendly Excel Compatibility

This tool combines user-friendly features with compatibility, making it a strong Excel alternative, especially for those transitioning from Microsoft’s platform.

Key Features

  • Excel compatibility.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Multiple file format support.


  • Smooth transition from Excel.
  • Intuitive design.
  • Versatile functionalities.


  • Some advanced
  • features limited.
  • Potential incompatibility issues.

WPS Office Spreadsheets: User-Centric Feature Set

WPS Office presents a familiar interface along with powerful features for spreadsheet tasks, focusing on user-centric design and functionalities.

Key Features

  • Data analysis and
  • visualization tools.
  • Compatibility with multiple file formats.
  • Intuitive user interface.


  • Familiar interface.
  • Robust features.
  • Multilingual support.


  • Ad-supported free version.
  • Occasional freezing issues.

EtherCalc: Simplicity and Real-Time Collaboration

EtherCalc’s simplicity and real-time collaborative editing make it an attractive option for basic spreadsheet needs, emphasizing ease of use.

Key Features

  • Real-time
  • collaborative editing.
  • Simplified interface.
  • Ease of use.


  • Real-time collaboration.
  • Straightforward functionality.
  • Accessible for beginners.


  • Limited advanced features.
  • May lack certain functionalities.

Quip: Uniquely Collaborative Approach

Quip stands out with its emphasis on collaboration, offering a unique approach to spreadsheet creation and teamwork.

Key Features

  • Emphasis on collaboration.
  • Unique approach to
  • spreadsheet creation.
  • Teamwork facilitation.


  • Collaborative interface.
  • Differentiated features.
  • Task-oriented approach.


  • May lack traditional spreadsheet functionalities.
  • Adaptation might be required.

Numbers (Apple): Apple Ecosystem Integration

For Apple users, Numbers provides a free and functional alternative to excel for spreadsheet tasks, seamlessly integrating within the Apple ecosystem.

Key Features

  • Seamless integration within Apple ecosystem.
  • Functionalities for Apple users.
  • Compatibility with macOS and iOS.


  • Apple ecosystem integration.
  • Seamless transitions.
  • Free for Apple users.


  • Limited to Apple ecosystem.
  • May lack advanced functionalities.

Choosing the Right Excel Alternative

Selecting the ideal excel alternative depends on specific needs and preferences. Consider collaboration, automation, customization, ease of use, and your reliance on specific features. Whether it’s Google Sheets for collaboration or Zoho for automation, find the one that aligns best with your workflow.


While Excel remains a powerhouse, these free excel alternatives cater to varied needs. Whether it’s Google Sheets’ collaborative prowess or Zoho’s automation features, each option offers something unique. Evaluate based on your requirements to find the perfect fit.

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Yes, most free alternatives to excel support Excel file formats for seamless transition and usage.

Many offer collaboration features, enabling real-time teamwork.

While some provide offline functionality, others rely on an internet connection for full features.

Some may offer enhanced features via subscriptions or premium plans.

Google Sheets and Excel Online often cater well to beginners due to their user-friendly interfaces.

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