vision statement example to help you write on your own

20 Vision Statement Examples for 2024 to Help You Write Your Own

No matter how many businesses you run, writing a compelling vision statement is always difficult.

A perfect vision statement will outline your company’s goals and outline its vision, which will motivate your employees.

A vision statement not only clarifies your thoughts but also enables employees and stakeholder to understand what the business aims for.

In this article, you will learn about how to write a vision statement–one that inspires your employees and positively impacts your business–and you will see examples to get you started.

How to Write a Vision Statement

What Is a Vision Statement?

A vision statement is the cornerstone of any strategic plan. It outlines what an organization would like to ultimately achieve and gives purpose to the existence of the organization.

A company’s vision needs to align with its mission, strategy, culture, and core values. Nonprofits and government offices also use vision statements when setting strategic goals.

A vision statement does not have to be rigid. It can be revised as needed. A company’s vision statement is a guideline for its strategic plan, so any changes should be minimal.

Ideally, your vision statement should be short, simple, and specific to your business, leaving no room for interpretation.

A good way to learn about vision statement examples is to look at real-life examples. Here are 20 vision statements from some of the world’s best companies to inspire you.

What is the Purposes of a Vision Statement

It is common for companies to operate without a vision statement. Other companies simply combine their mission and vision into one document.  While others reject the idea altogether, believing it to be a mere vague statement that is not necessary.

This is a missed opportunity. An organization’s vision statement serves as an important strategic plan for success.

It can help employees when they are facing challenges. A vision statement can also motivate employees to work toward shared objectives.

The right vision statement not only keeps everyone motivated but also provides guidance whenever a strategic decision needs to be made.

Now that we know what a company vision is, let’s look at what the main differences between a vision and mission statement are, and how they relate to one another.

What is the Difference Between Vision and Mission Statement

The vision statement focuses on the future and what the organization wants to become. This information helps the public understand what a company does, for whom it does it, and why it does it.

A vision statement aims to define what a brand aspires to accomplish through its mission statement by looking to the future.

Even though many companies use mission and vision statements interchangeably, having both of them is crucial.

What distinguishes a mission statement from a vision statement is:

  • A vision statement outlines a company’s long-term goals. Vision statements contain the same elements as mission statements, but they are defined in the future tense.
  • The mission statement of an organization identifies its current purpose. The company’s mission statement should include information about the company’s purpose, target audience, and key offerings.

How to Write a Vision Statement

It may seem difficult to write a vision statement. Everyone in the organization reads it, and the success of the company is greatly affected.

Creating a vision statement takes time and effort. A well-crafted vision statement can provide your company with the encouragement it needs to achieve its goals.

Streamline the writing process by keeping the following steps in mind:

1. Decide who will write your vision statement:

If you’re just starting out, you’ll probably write your company’s vision statement with your partners. When you begin hiring, you can ask your managers and employees for additional insights.

Interviewing a variety of people is crucial to developing a vision statement that integrates and speaks directly to the entire organization.

2. Talk to your employee:

A primary goal of your vision statement is to motivate your team. The vision statement should speak to your employees, as they will be carrying out your vision. Get to know what motivates your employees by brainstorming with them.

3. What’s Your Company Mission?

It is essential to plan for the future of your company by knowing what it does and how it operates.

4. What makes your organization unique in achieving the above outcome?

Almost all products and services that exist today are simply reinventions of things that already exist with a different approach, focus, or spin.

It is certain that at some point, someone has believed that your organization’s success where others have failed is due to something different in your company

That something needs to be defined!

Let’s consider the BBQ example. The vision statement and lines about customers enjoying our BBQ look pretty generic. Then why will they enjoy our BBQ more than the one next door?

Is it because our family has used generations-old traditions? Is it because we only use premium ingredients sourced locally? Whatever the reasons are, Put your unique selling point at the heart of your vision statement.

5. Identify Current Strategic Goals:
Before setting future goals for your organization, you must first understand its current position. A vision is a long-term plan that sets goals for the next five to ten years, but the goals must be realistic.

6. Project your goals for the future:

Create a strategic plan for your company based on what you want it to accomplish in the next five or ten years.

A vision statement should capture the outcome you envision-your dream for the future, your success as a company. Keep in mind that the statement should only provide the vision and not a step-by-step plan for implementation.

Here are some questions that can help you clarify your vision:

  • How does the organization plan to move forward?
  • How realistic are our goals?
  • What problem is the organization trying to solve?
  • How can the organization improve the quality of life of individuals?
  • How will things be different if the vision is realized?
  • What are some phrases or keywords that describe the type of organization we hope to achieve?

6 Tips For Writing a Vision Statement: Vision Statement Template

Writing a vision statement does not have a template, but a common structure for successful ones includes these points:

  • Be ambitious- Be ambitious and bold in your vision statement in order to inspire potential stakeholders. At the same time, be realistic about your goals.
  • Keep it brief. Make sure your vision statement is short enough for employees to remember. Your vision statement should be no more than one sentence.
  • Uniqueness is key. In your vision statement, you must explain how only your organization can meet that specific goal. Although other companies may offer the same or a similar service, your unique objective will set you apart.
  • Be Clear: Rather than trying to fill your document with a multitude of ideas, keep it focused on one primary goal. Having one clear objective will also help you stay focused.
  • Focus on the Future: The company’s vision statement is not what it is doing now, but rather where it intends to be in the future.
  • Maintain Stability: Ideally, a vision statement is a long-term goal that shouldn’t be affected by the market or technological changes.

It’s now clear what goes into creating a vision statement. Hence, put these tips into practice, and you’ll be able to produce a simple but effective statement that keeps your business on course.

Communicate Your Vision Constantly

Be sure that your vision statement clearly communicates your end goal. A vision is only effective when the whole organization embraces it. Set aside the resources and time necessary to realize your vision.

This can include investing in seminars and training or launching a new product. Other opportunities include offering the lowest prices or entering new markets.

Invite everyone to participate in aligning with a company’s vision statement. Consult with employees to find out how to implement the vision in their work. After that, remember to recognize and reward exceptional contributions.

20 Best Vision Statements Examples

The best way to understand vision statements is to examine examples. Some of my favorite real-life examples will help you better understand how your vision statement should look:

Microsoft Vision Statement

"To help people throughout the world realize their full potential”

Apple Vision Statement

“To make the best products on earth, and to leave the world better than we found it.”

Amazon Vision Statement

"Our vision is to be earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online."

Tesla Vision Statement

"To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles"

Google Vision Statement

"To organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful."

McDonald’s Vision Statement

"To move with velocity to drive profitable growth and become an even better McDonald's serving more customers delicious food each day around the world"

Sony Vision Statement

"Our vision is to use our passion for technology, content, and services to deliver kando, in ways that only Sony can"

Walmart Vision Statement

“Be THE destination for customers to save money, no matter how they want to shop”

Nike Vision Statement

"To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world"

Starbucks Vision Statement

"to establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow"

Disney Vision Statement

"to be one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment and information"

Zoom Vision Statement

"Video communications empowering people to accomplish more"

Facebook Vision Statement

"People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them."

LinkedIn Vision Statement

"To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce"

IKEA Vision Statement

"To create a better everyday life for the many people"

PayPal Vision Statement

"The web’s most convenient, secure and cost-effective payments solution."

Samsung Vision Statement

Inspire the world with our innovative technologies, products and design that enrich people's lives and contribute to social prosperity

Coca Cola Vision Statement

"To craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love"

Boeing Vision Statement

"People working together as a global enterprise for aerospace industry leadership"

IBM Vision Statement

"To be the world's most successful and important information technology company"


A vision statement is a concise declaration that describes the future aspirations and goals of a company or organization. It outlines the desired long-term outcome and serves as a guiding principle for decision-making.

A vision statement provides a sense of direction and purpose to an organization. It helps align employees and stakeholders towards a common goal, fosters motivation and commitment, and serves as a framework for strategic planning.

To write a vision statement, start by envisioning the future you want for your organization. Consider your values, goals, and unique selling proposition. Keep it concise, inspiring, and future-oriented, reflecting your organization’s aspirations and core beliefs.

  1. “To be the global leader in sustainable energy solutions.”
  2. “To empower individuals and communities through education and technology.”
  3. “To create a world where every person has access to quality healthcare.”
  4. “To be the preferred choice for innovative and reliable transportation services.”
  5. “To revolutionize the way people communicate and connect globally.”

Vision statements should be reviewed periodically to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the organization’s goals and changing market conditions. While there is no set timeframe, it is recommended to revisit and update the vision statement at least every few years or when significant shifts occur within the organization.

Tags: Business Starting Tips
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