What great managers do & don't do

What Great Managers Do and Don’t Do

Hey, did you just get promoted to manager? And you’re simply here because you want to be a great manager possibly, right? Also, you’re just looking for some dos and don’ts for being a great manager or maintaining your position. Because, how a boss interacts with those under his or her command has a direct impact on business success, job satisfaction, and employee retention. Although some of you may have been in situations where you tried all but received no constructive response to your work and dissatisfied with your own performance. And now you’re looking for some inspiration and suggestions to improve your performance, to be more manageable in some way, to lead your teammates to be a “great team”. So, we’re here for you that what great managers do and how you may proceed to the rank of “A great manager.”

1. True Inspiration

As a monarch, you are constantly observed. You may look at this as a disadvantage or as an opportunity. When employees are forced to do things they think their bosses would not or should not do, they become resentful, so walk the walk. This applies to all work activities and moods; if you want to maintain a more positive attitude at work begin by being more cheerful. Be the leader you wish you had, only in this way you can inspire people. Simon Sinek, a motivational speaker, talked about “How to be a leader” in one of his videos. He believes that working hard for something we love is called passion.

2. Good Communicator

A good manager should have a quality patient listener. It is one thing to suggest that we listen; it is quite another to pause long enough to hear what is being said. We are both overworked and pushed in so many ways. We are vigilant to ensure that our direct notes depend on our tasks and tasks. That’s how we started in a leadership role. Communication skills are always on top, whenever there will be a business conversation. You cannot hit the expectations without being an effective communicator. Udemy, FutureLearn, and Coursera are the best online platforms where you can join communication-related courses and attend classes online.

3. Transformational Leadership

When dealing with a person’s flaws, people focus on his attributes. They figure out what motivates each employee and aspire to have more of that in the organization. Make up for personnel shortcomings. You may, for example, find the employee a career coaching partner who brings skills that he can lack to a task or program. Provide instruction to improve expertise in critical areas of success. Several leadership courses, such as academic training, EdX, Coursera, and Harvard Online Education, will help you learn a variety of useful skills for managing a big team.

4. Coherence

It may take some time for the new Manager to make wise decisions at first, and you may discover that some of your choices were incorrect. Overturning your own choices, on the other hand, will lead to distrust and uncertainty. Before taking any decision a good Manager thinks and analyses every aspect of the action so that the step may not be rolled back. There may be some ups and downs in bringing fruits of the steps adopted but once he decides he should stand for it. Several classes, including EdX’s Problem Solving, Analytics for Choices, Udemy’s quicker decisions at work, Coursera’s business learning, and Wharton’s decision-making scenarios, may assist you in this context.

5. Responsibilities and Performance Are Constantly Monitored

It is a fact that commonly employees usually do not like to go and see their Manager. Most of the reasons being that all too many, workers are called to their manager’s office over something they did wrong rather than something they did correctly. Making it a priority to make occasional assessments for one-on-one engagement rather than criticism is a good step to take. Udemy, ClassCentral, EngageInLaerning, BusinessBalls, and Coursera offer the best online classes, and KPI is a strategy for measuring results. This assesses a firm’s or a certain department’s strength. Also, incorporated efficiency monitoring frameworks establish the foundation for “each commission” operating.

6. Regulation of Praising and Recognizing

A good Manager always adopts the policy of rewarding and appreciating for the good doings. When you honor teams other than members, you are honoring teamwork and the desire to perform as a group. Person contributions can be recognized, but as the traditional adage suggests “two systems are better than just one.” Sports matches are won by coordination. That is also what allows a business successful. Several YouTube videos, such as The Carrot Principle, Praise Promotion, and Recognition Trends, can show how rewarding the team can influence their operations.

7. Team Security and Assistance

A well-functioning team should have the feeling that they are working in a secure environment. This ensures they can talk freely and frankly in the team sessions. If the staff works in a high-pressure setting where they interact with clients or other departments or tasks within the larger organization, they may be attacked or criticized at times. At this time the team of the good managers needs his support and protection. Podcasts like Survive Workplace and Building a Winning Team will help you ensure the security and assistance of your team.

8. Encouragement of Teamwork

The basic truth is that there is a team and the volume of work associated with a certain role necessitates the participation of more than one individual and more than one form of ability. To ensure coordination, you must take the following steps: • Encourage innovation by fostering companionship. • Utilize individual talents. • Maintain accessible means of contact. • Make potentials with one another. • Employees should be given more control. • Commemorate the team’s accomplishments. • Teamwork can be fueled with the appropriate skills. So, the team’s level of productivity is strongly linked to how well the team performs TOGETHER.

9. Targeting and setting SMART Goals:

Focus on the target rather than the job. This means you must have very straightforward and simple targets that are linked to your assigned company objectives. As a result, their objectives are also the objectives. One has just heard the phrase the S.M.A.R.T. targets so many times in my career. Udemy offers a master lesson on SMART targets, as well as you can get a worksheet from TSW.

10. Have a Periodical Meeting with Each Team Member

Always hold periodical meetings with your teammates. A successful one-on-one meeting means you’ll get a highly engaged and energized employee. Repeat the procedure for the workers before you have a high-performing unit. A “one on one” meeting means for a manager or team leader to maintain personal and professional connections with a team member. It’s also a perfect way for team members to keep in touch with their leader. It is fact that a mediocre or bad manager will skip daily one-on-one meetings because he is “too busy” or has more pressing goals.

11. Never quit

Continuous struggle brings fruits at last. A good manager always strives hard for the achievement of his goals. There must be a number of hurdles in the way but he never gives up and at last, he achieves the entire goal. Videos on motivational routines, courage tips, self-empowerment, and self-encouragement will assist you in not giving up in any tough situation.

12. Eliminate Disputes

There are possibilities that conflicts may be arisen between the team members or with the higher management. Differences may be of different nature, the most popular of which are opposing viewpoints and conflicting personalities. The biggest point is to avoid allowing differences in people’s views and beliefs to escalate into actual problems. Disputes may become worsen over time if not resolved by the participants themselves or by a third party. This would have an effect on the team. These podcasts will assist you in developing a team with fewer arguments and disputes; group design, learning from imperfections and overcoming and winning.

13. No Preferential treatment

Some people are just more likable; they also have a good attitude, while those of comparable abilities can lack the same charm or charisma. However, any natural tendencies toward preference should be resisted; it is not only unfair, but it is also a simple way to waste, or at the very least injure your team’s trust. Make a concerted attempt to distribute the squad’s workload in an equal manner by maintaining note on who received the very last option task. Make an effort to develop self relationships with all of your coworkers, notably those you don’t really favor. Consider what of the workers’ perspectives and how you are allowing them to experience. So, Wave the shield in this manner. Therefore, you will require being a “Great Manager” in this sense, and you may have heard that a great manager must strike a careful balance between the demands and requirements of workers, company interests, and their well-being and goals. Above all, there is no clear path chart for managers. There are many routes to take to get where you have to reach, some are faster and more straightforward than others. So, you can still hone your skills in order to get ahead on the right track.
What managers do and don’t do


Great managers provide clear expectations and goals, offer regular feedback and recognition, empower their employees to make decisions, foster a positive work culture, and support professional growth and development.

Great managers avoid micromanaging and instead trust their team members, refrain from playing favorites or showing bias, communicate openly and honestly, listen actively to their employees, and avoid passing blame or taking credit for their team’s work.

Great managers build strong relationships by showing empathy and understanding, being approachable and available for support, recognizing and appreciating their employees’ contributions, promoting open and transparent communication, and valuing the diversity of perspectives and ideas within the team.

Great managers avoid making decisions based solely on personal preferences or biases, rushing into hasty decisions without considering all relevant information, neglecting to involve their team in the decision-making process, and failing to take responsibility for the outcomes of their decisions.

Great managers address conflicts promptly and constructively, facilitate open dialogue and active listening among team members, seek to understand different perspectives, mediate conflicts impartially, and work towards finding mutually beneficial solutions that promote team cohesion and collaboration.

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