The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Small Business Loans And How It Works
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When starting a new business or growing an existing empire, one of the first and foremost things to consider is funding. This is when small business loans come into play. Lending statistics found that 36% of SMEs used external finance in 2022, with one in three borrowing more than £25,000. When you apply for the correct one, they can be an asset to your business.
If you’re an entrepreneur looking to learn more about how small business loans work, we have you covered. Read on to discover more.
Key Highlights
- Small business loans provide funding to launch or grow your business, finance equipment or cover operational costs.
- There are various loan options available, including term loans, lines of credit, equipment financing, and SBA loans, each with its own advantages.
- To secure the best loan for your business, research different options, ensure your financials are in order, and consider consulting a financial advisor.

Small Business Loans Explained
How do small business loans work? In a nutshell, they provide small businesses with the funds to help budding entrepreneurs turn business ideas into a reality or fuel an existing business through capital needs, financing necessary equipment, or additional staff. All in all, they’re a lifeline to certain businesses looking to invest in success.
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What Business Loans are Available?

48% of small businesses meet their financing needs, with 20% doing so via loans. However, there is no set loan suited to all. What may work for one business may not work for another. This is when it’s important to research or speak to a financial advisor. The most prevalent loans available include:
Merchant Cash Advances
Merchant cash advances come in the shape of a set sum of money. This is available to business owners for a set fee. This type of loan enables the funder to purchase a percentage of your future sales. As daily sales can’t be predicted, there is no set term length.
Term Loans

This prevalent small business loan is a bank loan that comes in the shape of a fixed sum and is common with businesses that have been up and running for at least two years. If you choose to invest in this business loan, you must repay at set times over regular intervals. Term loans boast an interest rate that is either floating or set. At a later date, you can choose to increase the sum of your monthly repayments to pay the loan off quickly. Alternatively, you can increase the initial down payment to lessen the monthly repayments.
Instead of using this type of loan to cover daily expenses, most entrepreneurs will use term loans to invest in equipment or growth investments.
The beauty of these loans comprises the flexibility of fund usage, lower interest rates, and a predictable payment schedule.
They also come in three different loan options, each serving a different purpose for your business. They’re also available in three options. These include short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term. Each boasts a different payment period.
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Line of Credit
All business owners know that to succeed in the world we live in today involves adapting to change. Doing so ensures growth. Yet to grow often requires additional funding for expert staff, equipment, or new premises. Line of credit loans boast flexible monthly payment terms and are a great option for entrepreneurs.
Line of credit loans offer access to fast cash. Instead of using a set amount of money, as a business owner, you can use only what you need when required. This is a great option for those looking to better manage business funds and those looking to swerve high interest rates.
Lenders set an amount limit you can borrow, and as you pay back drawn funds, your line of credit grows.
Equipment Financing
If you own a business that necessitates equipment, be this machinery, furniture, laptops, or software, this equipment will likely need servicing, replacement, or addition.
Equipment financing assists entrepreneurs in initial or future equipment purchases. Although loans differ between lenders, most will finance up to 80% of the total purchase.
As a result, you have full ownership of the equipment. All that is required is a 20% down payment.
SBA Loans
A Small Business Association works by teaming up with lenders to provide loans to small business owners instead of lending directly to the borrower. A great option for entrepreneurs who have a poor or zero credit history. It is also a good option if you’re finding it difficult to gain approval for other loans.
SBA loans vary in amount. Certain loans will require specific documentation to be applicable. The benefit of this type of loan is that it is easy to apply for. There are also a variety of terms to choose from.
The Bottom Line
Even if you own the best business or product in the world, marketing it requires funding. This is when small business loans come to light. To ensure you invest in the best loan for your business needs, it’s essential to do your research. In addition, you should make sure all of your books, records, credit history, and accounting documentation are in tip-top condition. This will make applying for a loan easier. In addition, it will likely mean a lender is more willing to approve you.
The more you learn to manage your finances, the quicker your business will grow and the more successful you will become.