what is a business license number

What is a Business License Number?

Your business license number allows you to legally own and operate your company. Another name for it is a company license number, and the type you get is determined by your city, county, or state.

There are several factors involved in determining whether a business needs a license or a tax ID number. Both may be necessary in some cases. Being aware of this requirement is just one of the many steps an entrepreneur should take when starting a business.

What is a Business License Number?

All businesses, no matter how small or large, must register for a business license number and apply for any mandatory licenses. Depending on the type of business structure, there may be additional permits to obtain or regulations to follow.

In the United States, companies do not have to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service. In contrast, an EIN is required if the company license number is obtained by a business that files taxes for employment, sells tobacco, alcohol, or firearms, or files as a corporation or partnership.

It is important to note that the EIN is not the same as the business license number and is used for federally-funded purposes only.

How to Launch a Business

Getting started with a new business is relatively simple, especially if the business will have an informal structure such as a sole proprietorship or partnership. Choose a unique name for the company and register the business name with the state.

It not only protects your chosen name, but also ensures that you intend to comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. Typically, you can register the business with the secretary of state.

A state license may be required for your business to operate legally. If it doesn’t, it is possible that your city, township, or another local jurisdiction requires a license to operate. If you aren’t sure whether you need one or not, the state will likely inform you once you register your business.

Is a business license number the same as Ein?

EIN numbers are not the same as business license numbers. EINs are different from business license numbers because they are used exclusively for federal financial purposes.

How Much Does a Business License Cost?

You can find out what types of business licenses your business needs by visiting the websites of your local, county, and state governments. You can typically find guides on the website to answer frequently asked questions and walk you through the entire process.

You can also meet with local agencies in person for assistance. Since they want businesses to locate and thrive in their region, it’s in their best interests to assist them in getting started.

Costs vary greatly from one region to the next. The amount you pay will depend on your location and state. On the U.S. Small Business Administration website, you can find all the information you need to obtain a company license number and a business license cost.

How Long Does It Take?

It may take a few days to two weeks for your company license number or city license number to arrive. It depends on the state where you obtain a business license. It is possible you will have to pick it up personally and provide proof that you own the business. Some cities go so far as to keep your fingerprints on file for this purpose. Other cities may simply mail it to you.

You can do most of this yourself, which is great. Since cities want businesses to succeed, there is a variety of ways for you to get your business license number quickly and start running the business of your dreams.


A business license number is a unique identifier assigned to a business by the issuing authority. It is used to track and verify the legal status of a business, indicating that it has obtained the necessary license to operate in a specific jurisdiction.

Your business license number can usually be found on the official license document issued by the government or municipal authority. It may also be listed on business registration certificates, permits, or tax documents related to your business.

A business license number is required to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. It helps government agencies, customers, and vendors verify the legitimacy of your business and its authorization to operate in a specific location.

Operating a business without a valid license number is illegal in most jurisdictions. Failure to obtain the necessary licenses and permits may result in penalties, fines, or even closure of your business. It is essential to comply with the licensing requirements of your local authorities.

No, a business license number and a tax identification number (TIN) are not the same. A business license number is specific to the licensing authority and verifies your compliance with local regulations, while a TIN is issued by the tax authority for tax-related purposes, such as filing tax returns and paying taxes.

Tags: Business License and Permits, Entity Requirements
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