Digital Marketing Services and Consultation

Digital Marketing Expert

Digital Marketing Consulting Services

Wise Business Plans digital marketing services and the department has a team ranging from data geeks and consultants all the way to create digital enthusiasts, with a passion for results. Through our innovative thinking, we aim to achieve business growth and brand transformation through digitally-led strategic solutions.

Digital Marketing Consulting Services Include

  • Email Marketing Services
  • Social Media Marketing Services

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Our Package

Social Media


Our ultimate goal is not in high-profit margins but a partnership with seeding and small companies for growth and expansion. When we work on your digital marketing business plan, we get familiar with your business setup and needs. This allows us to custom make your digital marketing campaigns to increase your chances of success.

Starting Now is more effective than later:

The number one problem for new companies is acquiring clients, and the first year of business is when most businesses fail. Wouldn’t it be great to have followers on social media and clients already asking about your products and digital marketing services before even opening your doors?


Email marketing services

With Email Marketing recording the highest ROI compared to social media and direct mail marketing, it remains the most effective yet affordable way to market your products and digital marketing services to your target market.

Our Strategy

  • Deliver targeted messages
  • Create new sales channels for your business
  • Drive revenue
  • Brand Awareness
  • Keep clients engaged and motivated through newsletters
  • Unrivalled return on investment

Our Strategy

Our Email And Digital Marketing consulting Service Include

  • We study your Target Audience
  • Build a targeted email list
  • List Segmentation
  • Write intriguing subject lines
  • Email Design and Layout
  • Create personalized and targeted content
  • Team up the emails with the right URL
  • Test rigorously before sending emails
  • Track and measure performance metrics


Social Media Marketing Services

Social media marketing with 95% of adult social media users following brands on social media, small, medium, and large corporations are racing to establish a social media presence to market their products and digital marketing services to target consumers online.

Social media marketing requires both strategy and creativity. In our strategy, we target more reach, clicks, conversions, not likes, followers, comments, and leads.

Social Media Marketing Services

Our Strategy

  • Increased Brand Awareness
  • More Inbound Traffic
  • Generate Conversations Around your Brand
  • Create Brand Authority
  • Retarget Audience Using Social Media
  • Keep Customers Up-To-Date

Our Strategy

  • Audit Your Current Social Presence
  • Document Who Your Ideal Customer Is
  • Identify Key Success Metrics
  • Create and Curate Engaging Content
  • Invest in Social Media Management Tools
  • Track, Analyze, Optimize
Social Media

It’s easy to see that social media marketing is a key element for success in marketing and many marketers realize the potential for business growth using the platforms.

Social media marketing is also one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods used to syndicate content and increase business’ visibility. Implementing a social media strategy (with Tracking and Analyzing, Groups, Hashtags and Different Contents) will greatly increase brand recognition.


Today’s business market is highly competitive requiring businesses to establish continuity of leads to thrive. Without a defined Lead Generation channel, businesses soon run out of potential prospects to sell to. Lead Generation is a gradual process through which potential clients’ information is recorded and used to create targeted sales campaigns. B2B focuses on targeting other companies as clients to your products and digital marketing services.

Our expertise and experience in lead generation qualify us to provide customized solutions that guarantee continuous leads for your businesses with high conversion rates.

Daily Average Count
Social Media Marketing
Manage Graph

It is time to grow your business to the next level. Our lead generation services are geared towards:

  • Targeting larger audience
  • Reaching out to more users
  • Connecting with a wide range of online strategies
  • Creating a unique Win-Win mutual benefiting scenario
  • Improving product sales and revenue
  • Increasing your brand’s awareness
  • Keeping you on top of the results


New clients are influenced by reviews to purchase digital marketing services or products. Sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor, as well as social networks like Facebook and Google+, allow customers to leave reviews on their experience with your business.

Reviews carry potent word-of-mouth power that can draw or drive away potential customers.56 percent of consumers select a business if it has positive reviews/ratings.

Our Strategy

  • Free advertising
  • Greater boost to conversion rates
  • Improved search engine results
  • Constructive criticism and suggestions
  • Improve Click-Through Rates
  • Positive Reviews Build Trust with Potential

Our Strategy

  • Make customers happy
  • Find the best reviews site for the business industry
  • Entice customers to make a review
  • Share reviews in promotional emails
  • Engage with customers

Online reviews are a great way to build credibility for your business. Previous clients give honest feedback on your products and digital marketing services and subconsciously influence new clients’ decisions to buy into your services.

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