ai website builders

5 Outstanding AI Website Builders In 2024 (For Quick Website Experience)

Are you tired of spending hours struggling with complex website design platforms? Are you looking for a faster and easier way to create a visually impressive online presence? It’s time to embrace the future with the best AI website builders available. These innovative tools have transformed the web design process by utilizing artificial intelligence.

From providing AI-guided design assistance to automating code generation, these website builders simplify the task of creating professional and visually appealing websites. No longer do you have to rely solely on ChatGPT or other AI writers for content creation. These platforms offer comprehensive design and functionality tools that make building complete websites a breeze. Say goodbye to frustration and welcome a new era of effortless website creation.

This article will introduce you to the top AI website builders that have taken the industry by storm. From SiteBuilderX to, and GetResponse AI Website Builder, get ready to discover the top-notch tools that ensure swift web design.


The Best AI Website Builders

AI website builders are game-changers in the web design industry. These platforms utilize artificial intelligence to simplify the process of creating professional websites without coding skills. With features like intelligent templates and data analytics, they offer advanced functionalities and enhance user experience. Whether you’re a business owner or freelancer, AI website builders are a user-friendly solution for stunning online presence.


Al website Builder

Discover 10Web AI WordPress Builder, the game-changing platform for agencies and freelancers. Create exceptional WordPress websites effortlessly with our AI-powered technology. Design stunning web pages and landing pages in real-time using our intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

Benefit from the flexibility and customization of WordPress to craft unique websites. Choose from our range of plans tailored to freelancers and agencies, and unlock your web design potential. Experience the fusion of AI and WordPress with 10Web.

Transform your web design process with AI-generated content and image selection. Say goodbye to time-consuming manual tasks and let our AI do the work for you.

Seamlessly recreate old websites with our AI Page Recreator, ensuring a faster and more efficient design process. Join thousands of satisfied users who have leveraged 10Web to create beautiful, high-quality WordPress websites.

Key Features of 10Web AI WordPress Builder:

AI-Powered Website Creation: Utilize AI-generated content and image selection for effortless website creation.

Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Editor: Design stunning web pages and landing pages in real-time with ease.

WordPress Customization: Enjoy the flexibility and customization options of WordPress for tailored websites.

AI Page Recreator: Seamlessly recreate old websites with AI technology for a faster design process.

Range of Plans: Choose from plans tailored to freelancers and agencies, meeting your specific needs.

Time-Saving Automation: Let AI handle manual tasks, saving you time and effort.

High-Quality Results: Create visually appealing websites that impress your clients.

Reliable Support: Count on dedicated support for assistance throughout your design journey.

SSL Certificates: Ensure secure connections with included SSL certificates.

Real-Time Design Experience: See changes instantly with real-time previews.

Pricing: $20/mo, including AI, hosting, and security tools.



Phonesites is an AI website builder that simplifies the process of creating websites. It offers pre-built templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and customization options. With Phonesites, you can create mobile-responsive sites and utilize AI-powered features like chatbots for automation. It’s user-friendly and doesn’t require coding skills.

To get started with Phonesites, simply sign up for an account and choose a template that suits your needs. From there, you can customize the website to your preferences, adding content, adjusting styling, and previewing before publishing. Phonesites empowers individuals and businesses to establish an online presence with ease, making website creation accessible to all.

Key Features of Phonesites:

Pre-built templates: Choose from ready-made templates that can be easily customized to create your unique website design.

Drag-and-drop functionality: Effortlessly add and arrange elements on your website using a simple drag-and-drop interface, eliminating the need for coding skills.

Mobile-responsive design: Ensure your website looks great on any device by automatically adapting its layout and content to different screen sizes.

AI-powered automation: Harness the power of artificial intelligence to automate tasks, such as utilizing chatbots to handle customer inquiries and provide real-time assistance.

User-friendly interface: Enjoy a user-friendly editing experience that makes it easy to add content, customize styles, and make changes to your website with ease.

Price:The starting price of Phonesites is $ 49/Per Month.



Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) is a powerful feature offered by the website builder platform Wix. It simplifies the website creation process by leveraging AI technology to generate personalized designs and content suggestions.

When using Wix ADI, users answer questions about their website’s purpose, industry, and design preferences. Based on this input, the AI algorithm analyzes the information and creates a custom website design.

It takes care of the layout, color scheme, and even provides content suggestions. This enables users to have a tailored website that reflects their unique style and needs, without requiring extensive design or coding skills.

Wix ADI also offers assistance in generating content for the website. The AI algorithm suggests relevant text and image options that align with the user’s preferences and industry. This saves time and effort, helping users create compelling content for their website more efficiently.

Key Features :

Personalized website designs: Wix ADI generates custom website designs based on user input, including layout, color scheme, and content suggestions. This ensures a unique and tailored website appearance.

Content suggestions: Wix ADI offers recommendations for text and image content that align with the user’s preferences and industry. This assists in creating engaging and relevant content for the website.

Simplified website creation: With Wix ADI, users can create a professional-looking website without extensive design or coding skills. The AI-powered feature streamlines the process, saving time and effort.

Customizable designs: While Wix ADI provides an initial design, users have the flexibility to customize and modify their website according to their preferences. This allows for further personalization and control over the website’s appearance.

Effortless updates: Wix ADI makes it easy to update and modify website content. Users can add new sections, change layouts, and update images with simplicity and convenience.

Price: starting at $16/month


Get response

GetResponse is an email marketing platform that provides a range of tools and features to help businesses create and manage effective email marketing campaigns.

With GetResponse, users can easily design professional-looking emails using the drag-and-drop email editor. The platform offers a wide selection of customizable email templates, making it simple to create engaging newsletters, promotional emails, and autoresponders.

GetResponse also includes features such as list management, segmentation, and automation. These capabilities allow businesses to target their audience with personalized content and automate various aspects of their email marketing campaigns, saving time and improving efficiency.

Furthermore, GetResponse provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to track the performance of email campaigns. Users can monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, gaining valuable insights to optimize their email marketing strategies.

Key Features :

Email Campaign Management: Easily create and send professional emails using customizable templates and a drag-and-drop editor.

Automation Tools: Streamline your email marketing with automation features like autoresponders, behavior-based triggers, and time-based workflows.

List Management and Segmentation: Organize your contacts and target specific audiences by segmenting your email lists based on various criteria.

Landing Page Builder: Build high-converting landing pages to capture leads and grow your email list.

A/B Testing: Test different email variations to optimize your campaigns and improve open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Analytics and Reporting: Track and analyze the performance of your email campaigns with detailed metrics and reports.

Integrations: Seamlessly integrate with popular tools and platforms like e-commerce platforms, CRMs, and social media for enhanced marketing capabilities.

Price: starting at $19 per month



A durable AI website builder refers to an artificial intelligence-powered platform that is built to create websites that are robust, resilient, and long-lasting. It focuses on providing a reliable and sustainable solution for website development.

Moreover, a durable AI website builder may prioritize clean and efficient code generation, resulting in websites that are optimized for speed, responsiveness, and compatibility across different devices and browsers. This ensures a seamless user experience and reduces the likelihood of technical issues or compatibility challenges.

Overall, a durable AI website builder focuses on creating websites that can withstand the test of time, providing businesses and individuals with a dependable online presence that can adapt to evolving needs and technology standards.

Key Features :

Robust AI capabilities: The website builder utilizes advanced artificial intelligence technology to automate various aspects of website creation, including design suggestions, content generation, and optimization.

Reliability and uptime: The platform is built to ensure stability and minimal downtime, providing a reliable and consistently available website-building experience.

Scalability: The AI website builder can accommodate the growth and changing needs of businesses, allowing for the addition of new pages, features, or functionality without compromising performance.

Responsive design: The websites created with the AI builder are optimized for various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Customization options: Users can personalize their websites by choosing from a range of templates, modifying layouts, colors, and fonts, and adding custom elements to align with their branding and preferences.

User-friendly interface: The AI website builder offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for individuals without extensive technical knowledge to create and manage their websites.

SEO optimization: The platform incorporates SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices, allowing users to optimize their websites for search engines and improve their online visibility.

Price: Starting at $12 per/month

Price Comparison For The Top AI Website Builders?

Here is a table comparing the prices of the mentioned AI website builders:

AI Website Builder Price Range
Starting at $10 per month
Starting at $47 per month
Starting at $16/month
Starting at $15 per month
Starting at $12 per/month

What’s The Best AI Website Builder?

10Web, a top choice for WordPress enthusiasts, their AI website builder streamlines new site builds and saves a significant amount of time. It combines AI capabilities with web design tools, offering a powerful platform for creating professional websites on WordPress.

Phonesites, an AI website builder, provides pre-built templates for easy customization and a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. With mobile-responsive design and AI-powered automation features, Phonesites ensures a seamless browsing experience and efficient customer interactions.

Wix ADI, an AI-powered feature of Wix, offers personalized website designs, content suggestions, and simplified website creation. It provides customizable designs and effortless updates, making it easy to create and maintain a professional-looking website.

GetResponse, an email marketing platform, includes an AI website builder with customizable templates, user-friendly design tools, advanced automation features, and comprehensive analytics. It empowers businesses to create and manage successful email marketing campaigns with ease.

Durable, AI website builders focus on creating robust and long-lasting websites. They prioritize reliability, scalability, and customization options to ensure the website’s stability, responsiveness, and adaptability over time.


Absolutely! 10Web offers customization options, allowing you to personalize your website according to your preferences and branding.

Yes, Phonesites ensures that your website automatically adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless browsing experience on any device.

Absolutely! Wix ADI makes it easy to update and modify website content, allowing you to add new sections, change layouts, and update images effortlessly.

Yes, GetResponse offers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, allowing you to track and analyze the performance of your email campaigns.

Durable AI website builders prioritize reliability by offering stable performance, minimal downtime, and features like automatic updates and security measures.

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