Business Plan Consulting Services

The initial planning process can seem daunting to new business consulting services owners, and it may be tempting to set off toward success without a roadmap. But a solid, well-written business plan is more than just a must-have for securing outside funding.

Setting out without a path to profitability leaves the business open to unexpected losses and close to possible opportunities.

Business Consulting Services

(PRWEB) Wise Answers: ‘Do I really need a business plan?’


It’s also an invaluable tool that allows the business consulting services owner to see potential potholes before they become roadblocks.

“A lot of people make the mistake of thinking a business plan is just show-and-tell for investors,” said Joseph Ferriolo, director of Wise Business Plans, which provides individualized, custom-designed business plans for startups and expanding businesses. “But good planning actually allows entrepreneurs and managers to prepare for any hurdles they might face and accelerate success.”

“A good business plan includes valuable market research that can shape the future of a company’s marketing efforts and help plot avenues for growth,” Ferriolo said.

Business Consulting Services is More Than Giving Advice

“Even a small company that isn’t looking to secure a lot of outside funding needs a clear picture of the different ways the venture can start producing revenue for its owner,” he said. “Setting out without a path to profitability leaves the business consulting services open to unexpected losses and closed to possible opportunities.”

“Wise offers various plan sizes to suit the needs of even the smallest company,” Ferriolo said. “We recognize that every business doesn’t need a 30-page business plan; that’s why we offer mini-plans and fully customize the process for each client.

“A good business plan is a starting point for a successful business consulting services, not an afterthought,” he said.

“Solid planning forces you to look at your business concept and its creation and development from every angle. Without a plan, you may not see the holes in your concept until you fall in one.”

Wise Business Plans, staffed with professional MBA business plan writers, researchers, and financial experts, is a trusted partner for businesses across a broad spectrum of products and services. Our mission is to empower our client base through the creation of affordable, professional business plans filled with applicable strategies that place them in the best position to realize success in all phases of their respective business growth cycles.

Business Plan Template

Free: Business Plan Examples

Do you need help creating a business plan? Check out these six free, proven business plan examples from different industries to help you write your own.